Monday, 27 January 2014

Project #4: How to use sock stop or latex

So... I didn't get round to much this week. However there is one simple (but to me important) thing I did: I made my slippers from week 2 skid-free. So I can finally wear them on slippery surfaces.
I never used the so-called sock stop or latex before so here are the istructions on how to use sock stop or latex:

1. Cut out the areas you want to paint with latex from cardboard. This is simple when you made the slippers for yourself: You just draw the shape of your feet on the cardboard (doesn't have too precise) and cut it out.

2. If you like you can draw the pattern you want on the slippers on the cardboard to try it out. Otherwise just draw it from your mind. (Some nice patterns are e. g. hearts, clouds, paws or just dots).

3. Put the cut-outs into the slippers, turn them around and paint the pattern on the back.
Be sure to use a paper or something similar to protect the surface you're working on from the latex.

4. Leave it to dry for about 24 hours so you can be entirely sure it's dry. Voilà!

P. S. If you want the latex thicker you can also add another layer after about 12 hours of drying

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New materials

Here's some new material I got yesterday. Can't wait to work with it, especially the wooden needles. What's it going to become? You'll see...

Monday, 20 January 2014

Project #3: Granny Square Coasters

Hey everyone!
My project of week 3 this year turned out to be two granny square coasters. I've been meaning to take up crocheting again for a while. I had to watch some crochet beginner's videos first to get the hang of it again. And I was very surprised that I could already make my first granny square with a few very simple stitches. I followed the instructions for granny square coasters on one sheepish girl which is one of my favourite blogs.

So here's my very first granny square. I still had some yarn from previous crocheting experiments and picked some nice colours (brown and yellow) that brighten my winter.
Really enjoying it I made second one in blue pretty soon. Now I have two matching coasters for my tea mugs.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Project #2: Slippers

This week I made some slippers. I've been storing this nice turquoise wool since ages plus I was looking for a loom knitting project. As the weather forecast said that it will be quite cold during the next days this turned out perfect. For a nicer look, I added som pompoms to the slippers.

Work in progress...

I used the smallest loom I have (with 24 pegs) and knitted the first 18 rows without closing the round, then did 12 closed rows (for European size 39 to 40). When finished I pulled the stiches together at the toe end and sewed up the heal. I might add some non-slip paste for getting better grip when walking around on slippery floors.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Project #1: Snowflakes

I made these snowflakes last week, so it's actually the project of week 1 this year. I just didn't get round to posting the picture yet.
They are made from ordinary white paper, it's actually a pretty simple thing (I think children make them). The patterns took a little practice though. I'm gonna put them on my window with cellotape and maybe I'll even make some more during winter.

Creative Projects

On this blog I am planning to present creative projects throughout this year.
These so-called projects can be anything between paper work, knitting projects, jewellery or decoration items. Sometimes they are only easy and small things I've made within one afternoon or evening. Others are bigger projects I've been working on for several weeks. I'll put them up here when I've finished. Mostly, I'll also post links where I got the instructions from (patterns, tutorials...) and of course I hope to give you some DIY tutorials myself. So let's have fun sharing!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Let's get started

This is my new blog - my very first own blog!
Hope anybody will read it sometime. However I'm initially starting this just for myself - to get some more sparkle into my life :)
It's gonna be about handicrafts and creative things I'm making and as I know there are probably millions of such blogs online I decided to call mine "yet another crafting blog".
So hopefully I'll get started with the first creative post soon.